Womb Healing

What is womb healing and why is it important?

Womb healing is a holistic approach aimed at addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances in the uterus and womb space, in addition to surrounding reproductive organs. 

Womb healing often involves practices such as energy work, meditation, herbal remedies, and bodywork. It's important because it can help women and folks with vaginas and vulvas reconnect with their bodies, heal from past traumas or reproductive issues, balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, and promote overall well-being and fertility. Even if you no longer have a uterus due to a hysterectomy, this work is crucial for integrating changes in the body. 

Several ailments can affect the uterus, including fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, and adenomyosis. If these conditions aren't treated, they can lead to worsening symptoms, decreased quality of life, fertility issues, and in some cases, complications such as anemia from heavy bleeding or complications during pregnancy. Additionally, untreated conditions may increase the risk of developing certain cancers or other serious health problems later in life. Early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial for managing these conditions effectively.

There are other factors that come into play that we work through on the journey of womb healing. Individuals who have had miscarriages, abortions, trouble conceiving, birth trauma, and surgeries benefit greatly from healing of the womb space and pelvic bowl, as there are not only physical issues remaining, but there are psychosocial factors that can affect their well-being.

The way I approach womb healing with clients consists of a combination of bodywork, which includes Maya Abdominal Therapy, craniosacral therapy, and various somatoemotional techniques to work through and release trapped emotions and energy from the body. I also add energy balancing and a lot of intention setting and integration work. This is profound work and when people are ready, they find it contributes to a sense of wholeness, integration of wounded or lost parts of self, and allows one to reconnect with their joy, pleasure, and they discover what truly makes them feel happy.